Privacy Notice

Poplar Forest Capital LLC (“Poplar Forest”) may collect nonpublic personal information to process and administer clients’ business. This includes:

Information provided to Poplar Forest by clients and their representatives, such as on applications, questionnaires, contracts, or other forms; and information about client transactions, account balances, and account history, including transactions with affiliates, our non-affiliated third parties, or us.

Terms & Conditions

It is the policy of Poplar Forest to restrict access to nonpublic information to those employees, agents, representatives, or third parties who need to know the information to provide products and services to its clients. This includes:

Physical safeguards, including a staffed reception desk to check people who arrive at the office.

  • Electronic safeguards, including firewalls for server database protection, passwords for computer login, and limited access to the computer room.
  • Procedural safeguards, including restricting access to information regarding current and former clients to those required to have access in order to service those client needs.

Sharing of Nonpublic Personal Information:

Poplar Forest does not share nonpublic personal information about its current or former clients with anyone except:

  • As required or permitted by law.
  • Poplar Forest employees and affiliated companies, our brokers, banks, agents, and other nonaffiliated third parties who need to know this information in order to perform services on behalf of clients.
  • Other nonaffiliated third parties with whom we have a relationship, which may include financial institutions, attorneys, trustees, third-party administrators, registered broker/dealers, auditors, regulators, and transfer agents, for our everyday business purposes, such as to process transactions, maintain and service client accounts, or respond to court orders and legal investigations

70 South Lake Avenue
Suite 930
Pasadena, California 91101
